The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by surprise and caused an unprecedented crisis in food security, most especially in low-income class municipalities in Mountain Province. As experienced during the pandemic, there is a need to fully prepare and to have specific measures and actions to mitigate the crisis and alleviate food insecurity during similar calamities in the future.
As part of its social action, Mountain Province State Polytechnic College (MPSPC) conducted an assessment on public safety concerns in Mountain Province amidst Covid-19, particularly on the agriculture sector. This assessment aimed to determine arising challenges encountered by the farmers of Mountain Province, the interventions made by the concerned agencies in addressing these challenges, and the identification of good practices in implementing policies concerning the untimely pandemic.
Ms. Parline Angyap-Ullalim of MPSPC conducted a study on “Food Security in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Mountain Province through the Agricultural Lens”. She presented this to the Sadanga LGU and was adopted and used as the basis of the creation of Executive Order No. 27, series of 2023, entitled” An executive Order adopting and operationalizing the food resilience measures as recommended in the MPSPC Food Resiliency Toolkit.
This study provided a policy guide on the food resilience measures outlining potential events, consequences, and responses during calamities and disasters or any major crisis on matters of food availability during calamities, disasters; on health and medical service; on family welfare and food security; on commerce trade, and travel; and on governance and public services.